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Domain Legal Notice of

To comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the general information data of the website are indicated below :

Alcaracejos Mozárabe is a trade name owned by:

City Council of Alcaracejos (Owner of the commercial name Alcaracejos Mozárabe)


CIF: P1400300H


Use of the Website

The website is offered for informational purposes of the entity indicated in the previous section.

Alcaracejos Mozárabe, may stop providing the information and commerce services offered on this website without any communication with the user, which will not entail any legal obligation for the same or third parties.


The information that Alcaracejos Mozárabe may collect from the users of this website will be used exclusively to provide interested parties who so request information, to answer as many queries as the user deems appropriate and to fulfill commercial orders that may occur.

For more information, see our privacy policy.

Intellectual property

Alcaracejos Mozárabe, by itself or as assignee, is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of the elements that make up this website. Thus, all rights are reserved. Behaviors such as reproduction, distribution and public communication are expressly prohibited, including the method of making the contents of this website totally or partially available for commercial purposes in accordance with articles 8 and 21 of the Intellectual Property Law.

The user of the web in any case can view the elements and contents of this website and may print, store and even copy them on any medium, provided that they are intended for strictly personal and private use.

Conditions of use and responsibility

The user of the Alcaracejos Mozárabe website undertakes to make use of this website in accordance with legality, morality and public order.

We can specify this behavior in the following behaviors that the user must refrain from performing:

  1. Unauthorized or fraudulent use of the website.
  2. Attempt unauthorized access by its legitimate owner.
  3. Any use of the web portal for illicit purposes, or harmful to third parties or with the intention of harming the site and the rest of its users.
  4. Produce any damage to the systems that this website may have installed for its operation.

The owner of Alcaracejos Mozárabe will only be responsible for those contents created and added by himself, not for links that could be incorporated by third parties, or those external ones that redirect to another website that, of course, does not control their alteration.

The owner reserves the right to make as many changes as it deems appropriate without prior notice, both of its contents and of the services it offers. In addition, it reserves the right to approve or withdraw content that it does not consider appropriate added by third parties.

Legislation and Applicable Jurisdiction

This contract will be governed by Spanish legislation, which will be applicable in matters not provided in this contract in terms of interpretation, validity and execution. In the cases in which the express waiver of jurisdiction is valid, it is designated for incidents arising from the Courts of Spain.